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The Importance of a Clean Dryer Vent

With the continuous advancement in technology, dryers have become a significant part of most households, drying bedding, linens, and clothes. A typical residential dryer works two to ten times a week.

After regular use, the dryer vent, a tube running from the dryer to outside your home that removes moisture and hot air, will accumulate lint and debris, which could lead to clogging and other complications. This post discusses the importance of cleaning your dryer vent.

Why You Need to Clean Your Dryer Vent 

Keeps Clothes Looking Good Longer

Whenever you load clothes in the dryer, they lose a tiny fraction of their quality as the extra heat will deteriorate fibers within the clothes, slightly stretching them.

You can do little to counter the process since clothes eventually wear out. However, you can slow it down by regularly cleaning the dryer vent.

A dirty, clogged vent will make your dryer inefficient, as it will have to run longer to remove all the water altogether. So when you use the machine, it will subject your clothes to prolonged wear and tear, reducing their quality.

Lower the Risk of Dryer Fires 

Lint, which regularly accumulates inside dryer vents, is highly flammable and can easily cause a massive house fire. 

A National Fire Protection Association report states that clothes dryers account for an estimated 15970 house fires yearly. Also, up to 80% of the fires are caused by clogged dryer vents. 

By clearing all the debris and lint build-up in the dryer vent, you ensure there is nothing to spark fires that can cause severe damage.

Save Energy

While working, dryer vents will collect dust and debris. When the debris accumulates, it occupies more space in the vent, leaving little room for air and heat to pass through. 

Consequently, your dryer will have to work harder to complete its tasks, consuming more energy, which means a higher electricity bill.

You can significantly reduce your power costs by cleaning the dryer vent. An open vent provides enough space for hot air and moisture to move freely, placing zero pressure on the appliance.

Lessen Wear and Tear on Your Appliance

Regularly cleaning your dryer vent increases the lifespan of your machine. When there are alot of obstructions, lint, and other particles stuck inside your vent, they strain parts of the dryer by causing faster wear and tear.

In some instances, the particles can block the vent entirely and lead to fires since the hot air won’t have an outlet to pass through.

Also, the cleaning will reduce the money spent on repairs, as the machine will run optimistically longer.

Keep Allergens at Bay

A significant downside of a dirty or clogged dryer vent is that it captures water flowing from the wet clothes. Over time, the water accumulates various allergens, such as dust, mold, and more.

Unfortunately, these allergens will spread from the vent to other parts of your home, and inhaling them could make you develop a cough, congestion, or rash. The condition can be detrimental, especially for persons with respiratory challenges.

Avoid the Risk of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

There are electric and gas dryers; if you use the latter, a clogged vent could lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.

While working, gas dryers produce small amounts of carbon monoxide, which gets passed out through the dryer vent. However, a clogged vent means the toxic gas could flow back through the pipe into the house, creating a hazardous environment for you and your family.

Once in the body, excess carbon monoxide will deprive vital organs of oxygen, cause loss of consciousness, and lead to death through suffocation.

Ensuring your dryer vent is clean prevents such incidents as the air will flow smoothly.

Enables Faster Drying Times

The more lint and other materials accumulate inside the vent, the less air it can pass. This means it will take the machine longer to dry clothes, for the clogging can prevent bedding and clothes from drying thoroughly after one cycle, forcing you to repeat the process. 

On the other hand, a clean dryer vent will let out the heat and moisture faster, thereby drying your clothes faster.

How Often Should You Clean the Dryer Vent?

We recommend cleaning once a year for a household with two or five people. But you can schedule cleaning every six months if you have a large family, eight or more people.

Get Your Dryer Vents Professionally Cleaned in Northern, VA

Are you in Northern Virginia, Looking for a professional to handle your dryer vent, chimney, and gutter cleaning? Sixpenny Chimney has been doing so for years and has mastered the art. Contact us for a quote today.